Englewood, TennesseeEnglewood Christian Church

One Christ, One Body, Love for All

The mission of Englewood Christian Church is...to carry out the
Great Commission through love, biblical training, and service.

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Our vision is to provide modern facilities that contribute to continual, diverse, membership growth and produce exciting youth development. We envision our membership to become kingdom people who achieve God's will for his kingdom and glory through...

...Humble, love focused congregational and community service,

...Scripture tested, Spirit guided training for all ages,

...Becoming Christ-pointed lights searching for the lost in our community and region,

...Execution of various projects, quality youth programs, and equipping the membership to grow and mature in Christ.


Englewood Christian Church
PO Box 67 / 308 Englewood Avenue
Englewood, TN 37329
Phone: 423-887-7837